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Journal section "Socio-economic research"

The Concept of Digital Socio-Adaptive Participation in the Study of Digitalization of Social Services

Gasumovaс S.Е., Starshinova A.V.

Volume 8, Issue 2, 2022

Gasumova S.E., Starshinova A.V. The Concept of Digital Socio-Adaptive Participation in the Study of Digitalization of Social Services. Social area, 8(2). DOI: 10.15838/sa.2022.2.34.3 URL: http://socialarea-journal.ru/article/29291?_lang=en

DOI: 10.15838/sa.2022.2.34.3

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The process of digitalization of social services, which is actively developing in Russia, creates the need to develop a methodological approach to its scientific analysis which became the purpose of our study. Based on the ideas of the network approach in sociology (M. Castells, J. Urry, M. McLuhan, etc.), formed within its framework of the analysis of social networks (B. Wellman, G.V. Gradoselskaya, K.S. Guba, M.A. Safonova), the concepts of the strength of weak ties (M. Granovetter), electronic participation (A.V. Chugunov, O.G. Filatova, Yu.A. Kabanov, G.O. Panfilov), social investment (A. Hemerjick, P. Marx, C.G. Nguen, J. Jenson, etc.), public pressure models (P. Norris, C.P. Lee, K. Chang, F.S. Berry, V. Gel’man, A. Starodubtsev, A.V. Kynev et al.), digital capital (O.I. Borodkina, V.A. Sibirev) and a community-centered approach to social work in the COVID-19 (R. Truell, S. Crompton), we have proposed the author’s concept of digital socio-adaptive participation, based on the idea of conscious, active involvement of individuals and social groups in social networks in virtual space which allow actors to exchange information about effective ways of solving social problems in their life with the use of digital technologies. Based on the allocation of structural elements of digital socio-adaptive participation (digital social services, digital competence and awareness of client groups, information openness of the social protection and social service system, public information system, learning environment, technical infrastructure), we have introduced the concept of digital resource potential as a certain amount of the Internet resources and digital services on the organization of life and solutions to emerging social problems available to target social groups, which they are informed about and for the use of which they have enough digital competencies; and characterized the levels of digital resource potential (high, medium, low). We have formulated the principles of digitalization of social services


resource potential, social sphere, information society, digital capital, digitalization of social services, transformation of russian society, digital services

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