VolRC RAS scientific journal (online edition)
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Journal section "Socio-humanitarian research"

Involving Young People in Research

Terebova S.V., Ustinova K.A.

Volume 8, Issue 4, 2022

Terebova S.V., Ustinova K.A. (2022). Involving Young People in Research. Social area, 8 (4). DOI: 10.15838/sa.2022.4.36.8 URL: http://socialarea-journal.ru/article/29475?_lang=en

DOI: 10.15838/sa.2022.4.36.8

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The solution of the country’s important tasks is related to the stimulation of creative activity and involvement of young people in the scientific sphere. There are a number of problems in this area, which are due to the non-systematic nature of the decisions made, the uneven development of technologies for working with young people to attract them to the scientific field in the territorial context, and other aspects. This may have a negative impact on the outflow of highly qualified specialists, the possibility of innovative development of territories. The paper aims to study youth involvement in science and innovation activities, to determine the incentives that influence this process. To achieve the goal, we studied theoretical and methodological aspects, including approaches to interpreting the concept of “young scientist”; investigated the attitude towards scientists and trust in the results of their scientific activity; analyzed statistical data on the situation of young scientists in Russian science; identified directions to stimulate the involvement of young people in research. The analysis was carried out using data in dynamics and in the territorial context (both in the country as a whole and among the regions of the Northwestern Federal District). The information base was statistical data (from Rosstat, VologdaStat) on the number of researchers depending on age, availability of academic degrees, by field of science, by type of organization, data from the unified interagency information and statistical system. We have analyzed young scientists’ views on the prestige of scientific activity for them and for society. Among the positive aspects, we can note an increase in the share of the population who speaks approvingly about the role of science in public life; a trend in the trust of scientific information is indicated; the prevalence of the position on the prestige of the scientist’s profession is revealed. Negative aspects were also identified: low real awareness of activities in the scientific sphere, in some cases, declaration of interest in scientific research. There is a low activity of the business community in the implementation of scientific achievements in practice, insufficient consideration of the researchers’ position by the authorities


region, young people, territory, Region, research activities, innovation activities

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