Children of the Pandemic: Health of Infants Born in 2020
Shabunova Alexandra A., Natsun Leila N.
Social Well-Being of the Elderly Generation in the Conditions of the Economic Crisis and Pension System Reform
Popova Larisa A., Zorina Elena N.
Main Employment Trends and Features in Modern Russia
Popov Andrei V.
Reserves for Increasing the Population’s Pension Provision Level
Vasilyeva Elena V.
State of the Vologda Oblast Agriculture in Farmers’ Estimates: Results of 2019
Patrakova Svetlana S.
Online Interaction Problems in Modern Online Education (the Case of the Online School of REC VolRC RAS)
Rybicheva Olga Y.
On the Issue of the Alternative Ways of Evaluating Scientific Results
Artamonova Anna S., Tret’yakova Ol’ga V.
Assessing Migration Situation in the Vologda Oblast
Budilov Aleksandr P., Kalachikova Ol'ga N.
Dynamics of Population’s Psychological Well-being in the Vologda Oblast in 202
Morev Mikhail V., Bakhvalova Irina M., Gordievskaya Aleksandra N.
Conferences, meetings, seminars
Index of articles published in 2020