Socio-Economic Analysis of a Living Standard of Older Generation in the Vologda Oblast
Barsukov Vitalii N.
Study Results by the Method to Assess Readiness of Children Aged 14–17 to Realize Their Employment Potential
Razvarina Irina N.
Some Aspects of the State of a Modern “Institute of Grandmothers”: Experience of Sociological Research
Korolenko Aleksandra V.
Trends and Problems in the Functioning of the Vologda Oblast Agricultural Sector in the Estimates of Agricultural Organizations Heads
Anishchenko Alesya N.
Assessing the Role of the Business Sector in Region’s Social Development
Kremin Aleksandr E.
Using the Potential of Local Production in the Region’s Tourism
Leonidova Ekaterina G.
Issues of Vologda Oblast Industry Development in 2017
Mel'nikov Aleksei E.
Postgraduate Studies in Russia: Before and After the Reform
Mironenko Elena S.
Forming Research Competence of Students: Methodological Aspect (Experience of VolRC RAS REC)
Sukhareva Lyubov' M., Kulakova Anna B.
Dynamics of Population’s Psychological Well-Being
Ozornina Svetlana V., Bakhvalova Irina M., Gordievskaya Aleksandra N.
Conferences, meetings, seminars